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VBC Code of Conduct

This code is to be used by all performers, parents, staff, and children that participate in sessions arranged through the Virtual Babysitter’s Club, LLC (“VBC”, “we”, “our”) platform. We attempt to provide a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for those who connect over VBC’s platform. In order to provide such an environment, we ask that performers, parents, staff, and children: (i) abide by this code of conduct for the well-being of the VBC community and (ii) monitor for any updates to or changes to VBC’s Code of Conduct policy and regard them with the highest respect.

All performers and hosts who conduct sessions over the VBC platform strive to provide a welcoming, safe, and fun setting to entertain VBC customers’ children at the highest caliber. In order to do so, we place great value on: 

  • Physical and virtual well-being of all VBC participants that connect through VBC’s platform.

  • Creating a safe space for people of all backgrounds to come together and enjoy the company of the performers and other guests. 

  • Providing a safe and secure environment for children to virtually interact with and enjoy together the entertainment provided by the performers. 

For the safety of all those who enter into agreement with VBC, due regard is given to the following: 

Health and Safety: The health and safety of all VBC customers and performers are among the most important priorities for the VBC organization and all performers, parents, and session participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not jeopardize the health or safety of any participant in the session.

Communication: Communication between performers, parents, and session participants is paramount to a successful, fun, and interactive VBC session. We encourage a culture of polite consideration towards using acceptable verbal and nonverbal language. At no time will offensive language or behavior be tolerated from anyone regardless of circumstances.  

Respect: Mutual respect between and among performers and participants is expected at all times. At no point will bullying of any participant or performer be tolerated in any VBC session at any time.  

In order to abide by this code of conduct, we ask parents, performers, and children:

  • To comply with our privacy policy and terms and conditions.
  • To respect all other participants in every VBC session by refraining from offensive or obscene language and behavior. 

  • Make known to VBC management any instance of inappropriate behavior or language by a performer or other participant. 

  • To address any questions or concerns regarding VBC’s Code of Conduct policy prior to accepting the customer or performer independent contractor agreement, both of which include agreeing to VCB’s Code of Conduct policy.

Breach of Code of Conduct 

Any breach of VBC’s Code of Conduct will be dealt with promptly and taken seriously. VBC reserves the right to remove any session participant believed to be in breach of this Code of Conduct from the session at any point. Following any removal, the session host will contact VBC management to discuss the situation. Should a session host ever feel that they or another participant is at immediate risk of danger or harm or may be subject to bullying or other inappropriate behavior, VBC and/or the performer reserves the right to either remove such participant and/or cancel the entire session immediately and contact the appropriate authorities.

Virtual Babysitters Club LLC is designed to be fun for children and give peace of mind to parents. By virtue of accepting the customer agreement, you are agreeing to abide by, and ensuring your children abide by, our Code of Conduct to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our performers and participants. 

CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY: Last updated June 7th, 2024